
Home Vendors Alcatel Lucent
ALE International SAS, trading as Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, is a French software company headquartered in Colombes, France, providing communication equipment and services to telecommunications companies, ISPs and data providers. Learn more

About vendor

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise traces its history back to Alcatel SA, founded in 1898 in Alsace by French engineer Pierre Azaria and Paul Bizet as Compagnie Générale d'Electricité (CGE).


Alcatel has operated in more than 130 countries around the world, providing a range of services in terms of supplying equipment and software products for telecommunications.


The company operated through three main segments through three of the company's business groups: Fixed Communications Group (fixed communication systems), Mobile Communication Group (mobile communication systems) and Private Communication Group (corporate communication systems).


From the point of view of the consumer, Alcatel is best known for its cellular communication devices, which have become widespread around the world. In addition, the company included a division engaged in the development and production of signaling and traffic control systems for railways. Another significant division of Alcatel was Alcatel Space, engaged in the development and production of geostationary and low-orbit artificial satellites of the Earth.


In April 2006, Alcatel announced an impending merger with its major competitor, the American company Lucent Technologies. The merger took place on December 1, 2006, the combined company was named Alcatel-Lucent. The main regions of activity are the USA, China, Europe and Africa. The company conducted research activities and produced equipment for telecommunications (including using its own ABC protocol). It was considered a pioneer in the market of equipment for LTE (4G) networks.


In April 2015, an agreement of intent was signed with Nokia, according to which the Finnish company acquired Alcatel-Lucent. Upon completion of the transaction, Alcatel-Lucent ceased to exist. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, acquired on October 1, 2014 by China's China Huaxi, continues to use the Alcatel-Lucent brand under license from Nokia.

Vendors catalogue
SKU: 3MG08004AA
2699 UAH*
in stock
The Alcatel-Lucent 8001 DeskPhone is a cost-effective, business-grade phone offering SIP telephony for essential communications. Its graphical display can show up to five lines of text simultaneously, and it features an elegant user interface and clear operations to provide an excellent user experience. Moreover, the Alcatel-Lucent 8001 DeskPhone creates a unique, vivid audio experience. Its rich business functions greatly improve work efficiency.
SKU: 3MG08005AA
350 UAH*
in stock
Type: power supply; Compatibility: Alcatel-Lucent
SKU: 3MG27006AA
2299 UAH*
in stock
Type: power supply;


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